So the second week was a blast as well !
We had our very first assignment ! Drawing, drawing, drawing ^^
We had to sketch some poses from people whe saw on the streets, or at a park, or somewhere public, and recreate a pose in maya with Stu (character used mainly for posing)...
Because I didn't have a lot of time to work on my assignment during the week (only a little bit of sketching), I decided to join some of my friends at the SketchCrawl in Ghent this saturday to come together, hang out with them and sketch a bunch of people along the way. So this was a good opportunity for me to do my drawings and a part of my assignment. (These drawings were very quick and because I'm not a great drawer, look like cr*p, but they still give a good base for your pose ^^)
After that I came home and finished the second part, posing Stu as one of the sketches.
So I picked out one that I liked and played around with Stu and this is what I came up with.
It's someone doing yoga and stretching the body and muscles. If I'd taken more time I'd probably tried to do some other poses as well but the deadline was already pretty close so I took this as my final pose.
I'm happy with it but it could have been a better pose !
Also a note to myself, take more time and plan your work throughout the week so you don't have to stress at the end !!!
Besides the assignment, we also had a lecture this week about all of the principles of animation, and how you can apply these to your work. I've already heard a lot about them and knew them pretty wel, but still it's always good to hear them again and keep thinking about them/applying them to your work !
Next assignment: BOUNCING BALL !!!