dinsdag 31 december 2013

Animation Mentor - Week 12 & Progess Reel

So right now I'm inbetween terms at Animation Mentor and we're having a 3 week break from classes to relax and to focus on things other than animation for a while !

Being an artist, you can put so much of your time into work and getting better that sometimes you forget all the rest that's going on in your life, so it's good to have some free time to spend with friends and families (especially during the holidays ! ^^).


So... the last week we had to make a Progress Reel with all our assignments bundled together, so it's easy for ourselves and for our future mentor to see where you're at in terms of skills and knowledge. So without further ado here's mine ^^

I had a lot of fun this term, and although I already knew a lot about the principles of animation, I think it was great that I revisited them and focused on them individually on all these assignments ^^

I also met a lot of great people along the way and I want to thank my mentor Ray Chase for being an awesome guy and mentor ! We had a lot off laughs and I found it very interesting to talk in-depth about some of the shots you've done and movies you worked on ! I hope we meet again in the future ;) !

Cheerios and happy holidays everyone !

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